Corny Corn

Corn is not only great in taste, but also contains high amount of nutritional value. The kernels are roasted, boiled or steamed and sreved with butter and salt. Being low in carbohydrate it is also good for weight loss.
 Corn are best known for its high quantitry of fiber. The fiber presenty in corns helps to lower cholestorol levels and reduce the risk of coloon cancer. Corn, if consumed in moderate quantities is benefitial for those suffering from diebeties. Those suffering fron anaemia have also shown positive effects after consuming corns.
 Corn is helpful in treating kidney problems, including renal dysfunction. Regular consumption in moderate quantities is good for cardiovascular health. The insoluble fiber from corn make it good for those suffering from common digestive ailments like constipation and hemorrhoid's.

Nutrition Content:
Corn per 100 gm
  • Carbohydrate-9gm
  • Calcium-9mg
  • Fiber-2.7gm
  • Protein-3.2gm
  • Fat-1.2gm
  • Iron-0.5mg
  • Magnesium-37mg
  • Potassium-270mg
  • Vitamin A-10ug
  • Vitamin B-15mg
  • Vitamin C-7mg
  • Calories-90kcal

Loose Weight Without Effort

Want to loose weight without any effort? Here's how:
  1. Always get enough sleep. Never sleep late and always wake up early in the morning. People who don't have a habit to sleeping early and waking up early will likely have greater chances of being fat.
  2. Always drink 7-8 glasses of water. It not only keeps you full but also helps in flushing out impurities from the body.
  3. Eat food rich in antioxidant. It will increase your metabolism and boost your immunity.

The Abs Tips

 Can’t get those last layer of fat on your belly to vanish away to reveal your abs. Here are some tips for shedding that fat for ripped abs.
 1.     Do proper crunches. When doing it breathing is as important as the basic movement itself. 100 crunches without proper breathing=0 crunches.
 2.     A pull-up will work your core as much as it gets you a v shape physique.
 3.     Do planks. It is an excellent workout for developing your core and balance. Go in a pushup position but rest on your elbows. Pause for at least 30 secs and build up your time.
4.     Do your abs exercise in the morning as the exercise starts your metabolism and keeps burning fat throughout the day.
5.     Cut carbs from your diet instead eat complex carbs like wheat cornflakes instead of bread or potatoes. Plus you’ll fuel your body without spiking your blood pressure.
6.     Drink 14 glasses of water everyday. It keeps you feeling longer and helps shed those extra kilos.

Get Over It

Chill out after a hard workout, rehydrate, refuel your body and try this to relax your body.

1.After a hard ride.
   Raise your feet above your heart.

    Why?-Gravity will move fluid form your legs to your body which reduces lactic acid build up. Also Canadian study have found that messaging your muscles could slow healing process. So, just raise your feet up.

2.After a tough run.
   Dip your leg in an ice cold water for 10 minutes or just apply ice on sore muscles.

   Why?-Ice reduces swelling and inflammation caused my micro wear and tear of your leg muscles. Also blood rushing to your legs will be replenished with oxygen. If running out of ice take a cold shower instead. 

3.After a long swim.
    Stretch your chest for a 30 second. Place palm on each side of a door frame and step forward to feel the stretch on your chest.

    Why?-The muscles in the front of a swimmer tightens. The stretch can loosen your shoulder and stop it from hunching forward.

Been Eating Beans

 A round healthy food, beans are vegetables but contain protein associated with meat. This makes them an ideal alternative to meat for vegetarians. Beans are full of both soluble and insoluble fiber so it should be part of daily diet. They contain more fiber than any other vegetables and are very helpful during constipation.

 Beans help in preventing anemia because of its rich content of minerals, vitamins and irons. It is also recommended for people who want to build muscles as it contain 20% protein and high in carbohydrates. Studies have shown that all kind of beans can help lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride level in the body because most beans contain only two to three percent fat and beans are excellent to prevent and treat diabetes. Beans have a low glycemic index(rate at which blood raises the blood sugar), and it provides sustained energy while slowly being released into the blood stream.

Nutrition Content:
Based on per 100gm
  • Vitamin A - 280 l.u 
  • Vitamin B - Thiamine .21mg
  • Vitamin C - 32mg
  • Iron - 2.3mg
  • Calcium - 63mg
  • Fat - 8gm
  • Protein - 7.5gm
  • Carbohydrate - 23.5gm
  • Calories - 128
  • Niacin - 1.4mg
  • Riboflavin - 11mg 

Sweet Potato Portions

 Sweet potatoes are one of the oldest vegetables, believed to be consume since centuries. In fact, sweet potato relics found in Peruvian caves date back to 10,000 years ago. There are as many as 400 varieties of it with the flesh ranging from white to yellow to orange in color.

Safe Your Back With The Correct Postue

 There is a saying-"stand straight or you are going to age before time". Well its easier said than done. The importance of a correct posture cannot be exaggerated as bad posture can lead to irreparable damage to the spine and can get one to extreme conditions to cervical pain. To prevent such pains you better start learning good postures.

Mind Over Muscle

Four tricks to fool your body into working harder, longer and faster.

Our brain quits first than our body when it comes to workout. Scientist have proven that the receptors in the brain called interleukin-6 signals the body to stop by turning on the pain before we run put of fuel. Its a safety measure that tells the body to shut down to protect from injuries.
Here are some tricks to fool your brain in training more.

The Pushup Challenge

  Fitness is not all about muscles and body building, it about how strong you are. Try the push up challenge to see how strong you are and measure your strength.

 Do as many push ups as you can within three minutes.

Skip To Good Shape

Torch fat and bulk up with a boxers favourite workout - skipping .


Power Meals

 Eating supplement before a workout fuels growth, but supplement aren't always the best choice. Natural whole food also provide the same benefits as supplement, and by providing protein, carbs and fat it is also a nutritional
food. Have some of these natural supplement snacks before a workout to fuel your body.

Protein Truths Revealed

  Your power and muscle building source  is simple and satisfying. Learn to fuel up the right way. Most men eat animal products and they become what they eat. Our bones, skin, hair and nails are composed mostly of protein plus animal products fuel the muscle-growing process called protein synthesis.

   Here are some truths about protein. So read before you chow down.

Truth No.1

The more the better.
 Think big. Ideal recommendation for adults are .8g to .1g per ideal body weight, which comes to about 60 to 70g of protein per day . Protein also provide other benefits as it dulls hunger and can help prevent obesity diabetes and heart disease.

Truth No.2

All are not the same.
 Many food like nuts and beans can provide a good dose of protein. But the best sources are eggs, fish, meat and dairy products. Animal product are the best as it contains all the essential amino acids.
 You can get all the protein required from plant based sources but you have to consume 20 to 25 percent more.

Sleep For A Better You

Sleep is important to everyone. It is the time when our body take rest fro our day to day activities and rejuvenates ourself for the next day. Sleep plays a vital role in health and fitness of our body. If w don't acquire adequate sleep our body's immune system decrease and can't perform activities well.

Here are 5 easy steps to get proper sleep .

1.Wear a pair of socks.
   Wearing a pair in bed can increase your chances for better sleep. As we sleep our body's temperature regulating system distributes heat from the core to every part of the body. And having cold feet upsets the release of melanin, a hormone related to proper sleep-wake cycle.

Beat Cancer With Pizza

   A weekly pizza reduces your risk of cancer. Throat cancer 60 percent, colon cancer 26 percent and mouth cancer 35 percent. Scientist think that the ingredients in pizzas: tomatoes, olive oil, vegetables, garlic, herbs and spices are all excellent sources of antioxidant and fibers. These fight cancer and boost immunity.
   For a better pizza for healthier you, choose thin crust-wholemeal, it has less fat and more fiber and stand your slice on a kitchen towel for 30 second before eating in order to soak up excess oil.

Easy Calorie Burner

 Here are some ways you can burn calories without sweating.                     

   1.Tend your garden for 25 minutes.
       Calories burned 103
   2.Schedule a 20 minutes walk with a friend or a dog.
       Calories burned 102
   3.Write a letter to a friend by hand for 50 minutes.
       Calories burned 100
   4.Type e-mails to your friend for 60 minutes.
       Calories burned 100
   5.Do nails or knit while watching your a show on TV.
       Calories burned 102
   6.Do a little house cleaning.
       Calories burned 107
   7.Play fetch with your dog for 35 minutes.
       Calories burned 100
   8.Shoot pool or play darts for 35 minutes.
       Calories burned 100
   9.Jump rope for 10 minutes.
       Calories burned 100
  10.Dance with a partner for 20 minutes.
       Calories burned 100
  11.Go shopping carrying a grocery cart for 40 minutes.
       Calories burned 103

       *Based on 150 pound person.    

why Drink Tea?

 If you are a regular tea drinker, give yourself some credit for having a habit that have some health benefits.

Drink for health.
 When it comes to tea it is an agricultural product of leaves, leaf buds, and inter nodes of various cultivars and sub-varieties of the Camellia Sinensis pant, processed and cured using various methods. It is also a beverage prepared from the cured leaves by combination with hot or boiling water. Tea is the second largest consumed beverage after water. Having low calories and being rich in antioxidant it is the perfect beverage for weight loss and health.

Chicken Legs Goodbye

  So many of your might make achieved a 'V' shape upper body but what about the legs. Many people are only busy working out their upper body. They don't realize that there lower body also need a workout. Legs are often neglected when it come to building a better body which can lead to skinny legs called chicken legs . By working out your lower half, your upper half also benefits too.

  Here are some benefits of doing leg workouts for your body.
  1. 70 percent men who want better abs. leg workouts can help achieve it.
  2. 500 number of extra calories you burn each day by adding 4 kg of muscles to your legs.
  3. 25 percent stronger your quads needs to be compared to your hamstring to decrease risk of injury.
The Moves for a better leg.

Shape Like a -'V'

  What is a better shaped body than a V-shaped body. I mean the broad wide shoulders, wide lats and a slim waist. The perfect body. Want to get it, then follow this simple moves to build your chest, shoulder, lats and back to impress the girls and get envied by boys.

No Gym No Problem.


  No gym member or don't have time for gym. No worries your gym is always with you and that is your body weight. You carry your weight all the time now use them for strength, muscle and power with this body weight exercise.

1.The classic push up.(shoulder, back, chest, forearms )
   Lie on the floor with your hands palms-down on the floor shoulder with apart.Keep your legs together and push yourself up with your forearms. Now lower your torso to the ground until your elbow  form a 90 degree angle and push yourself again with your forearms, repeat the process.
       (Note: If your legs and hips shake while doing then you have reaches your maximum.)

 2.Chin up.(biceps, lats, back, chest)
    Stand below a rod and jump to grab the rod with palms facing you. Pull yourself up until  your chin touches the rod. Pause for a second and slowly com back down but don't leave the rod. Repeat the process.
      (Note: Keep your back and legs straight while doing it for better result.)

Burn Fat With Food

  Want to shed those kilos without feeling deprived? Stock up your refrigerator with these food which will help burn fat faster than ever.

    Milk contain calcium which acts as a metabolic trigger. It is also a rich source of complex carbohydrates, which can boost your metabolism by helping your insulin levels stay low after a meal. And low insulin levels are desirable - high insulin levels are the signal to your body to hang onto fat.

   The probiotics(good bacteria and yeast ) found in yoghurt's may help in weight loss.Obesity problem might be an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in the gut.

3.Wholegrain cereals.
   Whole grains are rich source of  complex carbs and fiber both necessary to boost  metabolism by keeping insulin levels low after a meal. Since increase in insulin causes increase in appetite, eating food that lower insulin controls your appetite.

Easy Weight Loss In 10 Steps

   Weight loss is a reduction in body mass characterized by a loss of adipose tissue (body fat) and skeletal muscle.What is a better way to start your fitness with weight loss. Actually when people start to be fitness conscious they loss weight. Weight loss is the pillar of all fitness. When people get rid of their unnecessary body fat they get many health benefits like increase in energy, low cholesterol level, lower blood pressure, aches and pains. The person will have improvement in breathing and blood sugar levels. They also obtain better sleep and wake up rested. The risk of having a heart attack will reduce tremendously and  will prevent chest pain an type 2 diabetes. So when a person obtain all this benefits they can be considered as a fit person. Weight loss can be obtained by any person. It is not so difficult as you think.
 Here are some  ways to reduce your weight without extra effort :