Easy Weight Loss In 10 Steps

   Weight loss is a reduction in body mass characterized by a loss of adipose tissue (body fat) and skeletal muscle.What is a better way to start your fitness with weight loss. Actually when people start to be fitness conscious they loss weight. Weight loss is the pillar of all fitness. When people get rid of their unnecessary body fat they get many health benefits like increase in energy, low cholesterol level, lower blood pressure, aches and pains. The person will have improvement in breathing and blood sugar levels. They also obtain better sleep and wake up rested. The risk of having a heart attack will reduce tremendously and  will prevent chest pain an type 2 diabetes. So when a person obtain all this benefits they can be considered as a fit person. Weight loss can be obtained by any person. It is not so difficult as you think.
 Here are some  ways to reduce your weight without extra effort :

1.Eat 5 meals a day.
    Start eating 5 small portioned sized meals a day rather than 3 huge meals. By eating frequently you increase your metabolism. This helps your body to take energy from your fat deposits to help digest food in your belly by which can reduce your weight. Eat after every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism as high as possible. But remember to take in low fat food for faster weight loss.

2.Understand labels.
   A product which is fat free does not mean it is low in calories. Similarly a low in card and sugar does not mean it is low in fat and calories. Learn to read labels in food products as it is crucial for weight loss.Counting calories is impossible without this skill. You should know how to find a food's caloric content and its serving size. Compare one products label with another to see the difference in calories and fats.

3.Never skip breakfast.
   Never skip breakfast! I repeat never skip breakfast!!! Breakfast is the meal which start yours metabolism after a long slumber in the bed. Skipping breakfast can signal your body to activate to starvation mode which makes it to store fat in your body only to be used at times of need. So start having breakfast to start your metabolism.

4.Avoid Sugary drinks.
   Juices, sodas, colas and sugar even in your coffee and tea are all unnecessary calories which add up in your body. In my opinion take at least 8 glasses of water a day. In addition to providing hydration to your body, it will also help you feel full.

5.Exercise and more exercise
  What are better ways to loose weight than exercise.It is the pillar of all weight loss.Do exercise that gives a good workout to every part of your body like jogging, swimming, cycling, skipping and even walking. Do these exercise thrice a week to burn all those fats and keep your weight in check.

6.Add fiber in your diet.
  Add to your diet some fibers rich food. Fibers are known for keeping appetite at bay so you will not have some cravings for sweets or other junk food as it will keep your belly full for longer period of time.Nuts and green vegetables are rich in fibers, eat them and you'll control your appetite.

7.Fight Fat with Fat. 
  Eat meals cooked with healthy fats like coconut oil or olive oil.These oils are low in cholesterol and its amino acid can promote weight loss.Also take in nuts as they are rich in protein, fat, fibers and are cholesterol free.

8.Don't diet for weight loss.
   Actually dieting is not needed for weight loss. It is stated that who diet gain weight eventually. Out of 100% who lost weight by dieting only 20% were able to maintain their weight.So it seems dieting has no a higher success rate, instead eat small portion healthy food rich in fibers every 2-3 for 5 meals a day . People who did this lost most of their weight as they are keeping their metabolism high with nutritious food.

9.Get sufficient sleep.
    People who don't get sufficient sleep are more likely to get fat than people who get their sleep as the  fat start to build up in your internal organs. Lack of sleep can cause low energy and make you lazy for exercise and other activity. Get your Zzz  for at least 6-7  hours, you'll see a difference in energy level when you get sufficient sleep

10.Drink Coffee and Tea.
    Coffee and tea are rich in antioxidant which stimulate metabolism, boost fat burning and are low in calorie.Just don't take it with sugar if you want fast results.

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