Corny Corn

Corn is not only great in taste, but also contains high amount of nutritional value. The kernels are roasted, boiled or steamed and sreved with butter and salt. Being low in carbohydrate it is also good for weight loss.
 Corn are best known for its high quantitry of fiber. The fiber presenty in corns helps to lower cholestorol levels and reduce the risk of coloon cancer. Corn, if consumed in moderate quantities is benefitial for those suffering from diebeties. Those suffering fron anaemia have also shown positive effects after consuming corns.
 Corn is helpful in treating kidney problems, including renal dysfunction. Regular consumption in moderate quantities is good for cardiovascular health. The insoluble fiber from corn make it good for those suffering from common digestive ailments like constipation and hemorrhoid's.

Nutrition Content:
Corn per 100 gm
  • Carbohydrate-9gm
  • Calcium-9mg
  • Fiber-2.7gm
  • Protein-3.2gm
  • Fat-1.2gm
  • Iron-0.5mg
  • Magnesium-37mg
  • Potassium-270mg
  • Vitamin A-10ug
  • Vitamin B-15mg
  • Vitamin C-7mg
  • Calories-90kcal

Loose Weight Without Effort

Want to loose weight without any effort? Here's how:
  1. Always get enough sleep. Never sleep late and always wake up early in the morning. People who don't have a habit to sleeping early and waking up early will likely have greater chances of being fat.
  2. Always drink 7-8 glasses of water. It not only keeps you full but also helps in flushing out impurities from the body.
  3. Eat food rich in antioxidant. It will increase your metabolism and boost your immunity.

The Abs Tips

 Can’t get those last layer of fat on your belly to vanish away to reveal your abs. Here are some tips for shedding that fat for ripped abs.
 1.     Do proper crunches. When doing it breathing is as important as the basic movement itself. 100 crunches without proper breathing=0 crunches.
 2.     A pull-up will work your core as much as it gets you a v shape physique.
 3.     Do planks. It is an excellent workout for developing your core and balance. Go in a pushup position but rest on your elbows. Pause for at least 30 secs and build up your time.
4.     Do your abs exercise in the morning as the exercise starts your metabolism and keeps burning fat throughout the day.
5.     Cut carbs from your diet instead eat complex carbs like wheat cornflakes instead of bread or potatoes. Plus you’ll fuel your body without spiking your blood pressure.
6.     Drink 14 glasses of water everyday. It keeps you feeling longer and helps shed those extra kilos.

Get Over It

Chill out after a hard workout, rehydrate, refuel your body and try this to relax your body.

1.After a hard ride.
   Raise your feet above your heart.

    Why?-Gravity will move fluid form your legs to your body which reduces lactic acid build up. Also Canadian study have found that messaging your muscles could slow healing process. So, just raise your feet up.

2.After a tough run.
   Dip your leg in an ice cold water for 10 minutes or just apply ice on sore muscles.

   Why?-Ice reduces swelling and inflammation caused my micro wear and tear of your leg muscles. Also blood rushing to your legs will be replenished with oxygen. If running out of ice take a cold shower instead. 

3.After a long swim.
    Stretch your chest for a 30 second. Place palm on each side of a door frame and step forward to feel the stretch on your chest.

    Why?-The muscles in the front of a swimmer tightens. The stretch can loosen your shoulder and stop it from hunching forward.

Been Eating Beans

 A round healthy food, beans are vegetables but contain protein associated with meat. This makes them an ideal alternative to meat for vegetarians. Beans are full of both soluble and insoluble fiber so it should be part of daily diet. They contain more fiber than any other vegetables and are very helpful during constipation.

 Beans help in preventing anemia because of its rich content of minerals, vitamins and irons. It is also recommended for people who want to build muscles as it contain 20% protein and high in carbohydrates. Studies have shown that all kind of beans can help lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride level in the body because most beans contain only two to three percent fat and beans are excellent to prevent and treat diabetes. Beans have a low glycemic index(rate at which blood raises the blood sugar), and it provides sustained energy while slowly being released into the blood stream.

Nutrition Content:
Based on per 100gm
  • Vitamin A - 280 l.u 
  • Vitamin B - Thiamine .21mg
  • Vitamin C - 32mg
  • Iron - 2.3mg
  • Calcium - 63mg
  • Fat - 8gm
  • Protein - 7.5gm
  • Carbohydrate - 23.5gm
  • Calories - 128
  • Niacin - 1.4mg
  • Riboflavin - 11mg